<% '================================================== ' Öppnar databasen ' Ladda include file som innehåller kommandon för att öppna databaskoplingen. '================================================== %> <% ' Vilket språk. dim UseLanguage If Request.QueryString("lang") = "en" Then UseLanguage = "English" Else UseLanguage = "Swedish" End If %> Gästbok - Wennberg.net

<% If UseLanguage = "English" Then Response.Write("Guestbook - Wennberg.net") Else Response.Write("Gästbok - Wennberg.net") End If %>
<% If UseLanguage = "English" Then Response.Write("[ På Svenska ]") Response.Write(" [ To Wennberg.net ]") Else Response.Write("[ In English ]") Response.Write(" [ Till Wennberg.net ]") End If %>

<% '================================================== ' Spara ny posten i db. '================================================== If Request.QueryString("what") = "add" Then ' Addera = "SELECT * FROM guestbook1" ' RecSet.Open Addera, Connect, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic ' RecSet.AddNew ' RecSet("Name") = Request.Form("InName") ' RecSet("Email") = Request.Form("InEmail") ' RecSet("Homepage") = Request.Form("InHomepage") ' RecSet("Hometown") = Request.Form("InHometown") ' RecSet("Text") = Request.Form("InText") ' SparadIP = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") ' SparadDateTime = Date + Time ' RecSet("AddedIP") = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") ' RecSet("AddedDate") = Date + Time ' RecSet.Update ' RecSet.Close %>

Tack !

[ Tillbaka ]

<% Else %>

Sorry / Tyvärr !

Jag har fått stänga gästboken på grund av missbruk :(

<% ' Visa endast de poster som får visas. ' Sortera posterna efter inskrivning datum o tid. Visa = "SELECT * FROM guestbook1 WHERE NotShow = False ORDER BY AddedDate DESC" ' RecSet.Open Visa, Connect RecSet.Open Visa, Connect, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic %>

<% If UseLanguage = "English" Then Response.Write("Amount of messages: " & RecSet.RecordCount) Else Response.Write("Antal meddelanden: " & RecSet.RecordCount) End If %>

<% Do Until RecSet.EOF %>
<% ' Datum och Tid. Response.Write(RecSet("AddedDate") & "
") ' Man och E-post. ShowName = RecSet("Name") ShowEmail = RecSet("Email") If UseLanguage = "English" Then Response.Write("Name: ") Else Response.Write("Namn: ") End If If ShowEmail <> "" Then %> <% =ShowName %>
<% Else %> <% =ShowName %>
<% End If %> <% ' Hemstad. ShowHometown = RecSet("Hometown") If ShowHometown <> "" Then If UseLanguage = "English" Then Response.Write("Location: " & ShowHometown) Else Response.Write("Hemort: " & ShowHometown) End If Response.Write("
") End If ' Hemsida. ShowHomepage = RecSet("Homepage") If ShowHomepage <> "http://" Then If UseLanguage = "English" Then Response.Write("Homepage: " & ShowHomepage & "") Else Response.Write("Hemsida: " & ShowHomepage & "") End If Response.Write("
") End If %>
<% ' Denna koden gör att radbrytningar fungerar ShowText = RecSet("Text") If showText <> "" Then ShowText = Replace(ShowText , Chr(34), "''") ShowText = Replace(ShowText , vbCrLf, "
") %> <% Response.Write(ShowText) Else %> # Inlägge saknas # <% End If ' Denna koden gör att radbrytningar fungerar ShowTextComent = RecSet("TextComent") If ShowTextComent <> "" Then ShowTextComent = Replace(ShowTextComent , Chr(34), "''") ShowTextComent = Replace(ShowTextComent , vbCrLf, "
") %>
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<% =ShowTextComent %>
<% End If %>
<% RecSet.MoveNext Loop %>

<% End If %>

<% ' Upp. If UseLanguage = "English" Then Response.Write("[ Up ]") Else Response.Write("[ Upp ]") End If %>

(c) Wennberg 2006

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